Purpose of Ally force Ministry is to propagate God’s Kingdom message, Loving God and Loving people, through relationship and resources.
We are a helps ministry. Whether its Disaster relief, meeting needs of the poor and needy, or assisting local, other states police officers, we look for areas that we can assist and bring encouragement to people groups. We have been in full-time Ministry for 26 years, trusting God to lead us in the direction He has for us each day and year. We are supporting through generous gifts of those who see value in what we do for Gods Kingdom glory, as ultimately that’s always the goal.
Mission Statement
We are uniquely called to be a connector, to alliance with churches, ministries, and business leaders to further God’s kingdom here on earth by working together to meet the needs of the poor and needy through:
- Raising the arms of other churches and ministries (as Aaron and Hur did for Moses in Ex 17:12) in times that they may need extra help physically, emotionally, or spiritually, such as in outreaches or disasters.
- Compelling people in the church and business world to see, and desire to meet the needs of the poor and needy.
- Seeking and receiving needed resources for ministries reaching out to the poor and needy.
- Walking in close relationship with the broken, needy, or desperately seeking God to help them rebuild their broken lives. 1 Thes 2:8 “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you, not only the gospel, but our lives as well, because you have become so dear to us.”
Everything we do is based upon Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, oh man, what is good, and what the Lord requires of thee, BUT TO DO JUSTLY, TO LOVE MERCY, AND TO WALK HUMBLY WITH OUR GOD!”
Determined to Serve
We have been first responders since Katrina hit in 2005. We have done an array of relief efforts, from physical help with tear out of buildings, to providing every possible need they may have (food, clothes, ice, medical supplies etc) but our main thrust is to cook a good meal for the victims and relief workers who have no time or possible way to cook for themselves. Many have told us we give them the fuel to do what they have to do.
We assist local churches in reaching out to their neighborhood through outreaches. We will teach them how, let them use all of our equipment, and many times even do the cooking for them. Outreaches give the church the opportunity to give the people in their area a safe place to come and have a good meal, while getting to know each other.
We are a helps ministry. Whether its Disaster relief, meeting needs of the poor and needy, or assisting local ,other states police officers, we look for areas that we can assist and bring encouragement to people groups. We have been in full-time Ministry for 26 years, trusting God to lead us in the direction He has for us each day and year. We are supporting through generous gifts of those who see value in what we do for Gods Kingdom glory, as ultimately that’s always the goal.
This girl and her family were living in the dumps of Poipet Cambodia, living off what they find. I gave this little sweet girl a sucker and she squatted down and began to weep. She had never received a piece of candy without a string attached. Her gratitude that moment was captured in this phot oand has caused weeping of many people as they considered how ungrateful they are for how much they are blessed. Trafficking of small children in Cambodia and surrounding areasis common and accepted.
This little precious had been eating mud pies when we arrived to her village. When they have no food they mix mud with a tiny bit of flour and sugar and bake to subside the starvation. We came in with 1,425,000 of fortified rice meal bags to give out to people after a horrific tsunami super storm hit the shores of the Philippines.